Past Wrongs, Future Choices Working Paper Series


Pre-publication versions of book chapters, reports, and articles by members of the PWFC research partnership.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The PWFC Working Paper Series makes results of research undertaken as part of PWFC available in advance of publication, to share preliminary findings with the larger research community and to encourage discussion among and feedback from members of the partnership.

Working papers are pre-publication versions of academic or policy articles, book chapters, or reviews. Posted papers are typically in progress, but the work is far enough along and ready to be shared. Some Working Papers may already be under submission or in press and forthcoming elsewhere. Many are expected to eventually be chapters in PWFC books.

We expect Working Papers to undergo revisions. The most current version is posted here but there may be another version in progress and you may want to check with the corresponding author before citing.

Unless otherwise stated on the cover page you may cite without permission and circulate to other interested colleagues and readers.

We encourage comments!  Please send comments and questions about a particular Working Paper directly to the author at the email address listed on the cover page.

Working Paper #1

National Apologies, International Injustices