Past Wrongs, Future Choices Annual Partnership Meetings

Past Wrongs, Future Choices

Inaugural Annual Partnership Meetings


September 28, 29, 30, 2022

2:00 pm-5:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time



Day 1 Wednesday, September 28, 2022 (North America)

(*indicates entire partnership)


(Pacific daylight)

Zoom sessionTitleIntended AudienceDescription
2:00-2:55 pmSession 1A Zoom link



Project overview and direction*Entire partnershipAudrey and Jordan will offer their vision for the partnership.
3:00-3:55 pmSession 1B

Zoom Session 1B link

sent directly to participants

Integration Board MeetingIntegration BoardMembers of the integration board meet to discuss the key activities of the first year of the partnership.
3:00-3:55 pmSession 1C

Zoom Session 1C link

sent directly to participants

Supporting Partners Meeting (Mike)Supporting PartnersMeet to discuss their roles and priorities in the partnership.
4:00-5:00 pmSession 1D

Zoom Session 1D link

sent directly to participants

Nikkei Partners MeetingRepresentatives of organizations with mandates in Nikkei communitiesMeet to discuss their roles and priorities within the partnership as well as independent connections across the organizations.


* For a quick explanation of all governance bodies/committees in the partnership, see the appendix document


Day 2 Thursday, September 29, 2022 (North America)

**Please note the switch in order of Film and KM Protocols meetings**



(Pacific Daylight)

Zoom SessionTitleIntended AudienceDescription
2:00-2:55 pmSession 2A Zoom link


Keyword Session: Nikkei


*Entire partnershipInvited panel: Lidia Yamashita, Darren Aoki, Andrew Hasegawa and Jonathan Van Harmelen

Discussion of the meaning of Nikkei in different national contexts.

3:00-3:40 pmSession 2B Zoom link


Teacher Resources Cluster MeetingSelf-selection – interested organizations and individualsTeacher Resources invites you to join us as we develop our roadmap for year one and beyond. Come and meet the team, discuss the possibilities for cross-cluster collaboration, brainstorm how we can integrate research from the other clusters, and make connections with the cluster leads. We will consider questions including, what teacher resources should look like within each constituency, how they might intersect to help make meaning for our students, and how our varying contexts will influence what we create.
3:45-4:15 pmSession 2D Zoom link**Film Initiative  MeetingSelf-selection – interested organizations and individualIn this session, filmmaker Susanne Tabata will discuss her plans for a documentary film in association with Past Wrongs, Future Choices. Questions for discussion include:  How does the film situate itself in the larger project? What does a documentary process look like?  What would good outcomes look like?  What constitutes character?  What constitutes archival research?  What are the elements of film that we are pursuing?
4:20-5:00Session 2C Zoom link


**Knowledge Mobilization Protocols MeetingSelf-selection – interested organizations and individualsDiscussion of principles that will guide public dissemination and communication by the partnership.


5:00-5:30Session 2E

Zoom Session 2E link

sent directly to participants

Governance Board MeetingGovernance BoardMeeting of the Governance Board


Day 3 Friday, September 30, 2022 (North America)


(Pacific Daylight )

Zoom SessionTitleIntended AudienceDescription
2:00-2:55 pmSession 3A Zoom linkScholars Network Meeting



Academic members of the team and others writing, researching, and interested in scholarship on the topic areas.Breakout room discussions of key research topics and of keywords.
3:00-3:40 pmSession 3B Zoom link



Archival Cluster MeetingSelf-selection – interested organizations and individualsThe Archives Cluster has some ambitious plans for the next 7 years. During our session, we will talk about who we are, how we have set up our Cluster and how we have scheduled out the next seven years.  In addition to learning more about us and our plans, we would like to enlist your aid in determining some priority themes and topics for our Spotlight Series.  Want to know more about our Spotlight Series?  Come hang out with us on September 30
3:45-4:25 pmSession 3C Zoom link


Museum Cluster Meeting Self-selection – interested organizations and individualsContemporary art offers non-linear, conceptual and sensory pathways to understanding complex histories. Sherri Kajiwara, Director|Curator of the Nikkei National Museum in Canada, is planning to develop a contemporary art-based exhibit for the North American PWFC exhibits cluster that will invite visitors to learn about the invisible inheritance of the internment era on lives lived today. For this launch of the PWFC project, we open up the dialogue to all global partners interested in developing exhibits for their own countries. Let’s discuss our goals, challenges, anticipated timelines, and next steps.
4:30-4:45 pmSession 3D Zoom link


Wrap up


*Entire partnership 


Scholars Network Meeting

Friday, September 30, 2022

2:00-2:55 pm (Pacific Daylight Time)



2:00-2:07 – Brief Review of Network Concept, publication schedule and resources available, Jordan

2:07-2:10: Vision for keyword panels, Jordan

2:10-2:30: Key Concepts Session explanation and then breakout rooms

  • Breakout rooms of 4-5 participants (random assignment)
    • Brief Introductions to one another
    • Selection of person to record and communicate back to project office
    • Discussion of possible keywords sessions handout:
      • Could a member/members of your group foresee contributing to a panel on one of the keywords listed? (indicate who/which keyword)
      • What other topics, beyond the list, would be important for a keyword panel?
      • Could a member of your group foresee contributing to one of those additional panels? (indicate who)


2:30-2:35: Vision for research collaborations, Jordan

2:35-2:50: Research Collaboration breakout rooms

Breakout rooms of 4-5 participants (random assignment)

  • Brief Introductions to one another
  • Selection of person to record and communicate back to project office
  • Discussion of research collaboration handout:
    • Could a member of your group envision contributing to a working paper on any of the proposed topics for research collaboration? (indicate who/which topic)
    • Do any members of your group envision/foresee other topics for which you would be interested in contributing to a research collaboration? (indicate who/which topic)



Handout 1: Keywords

Following yesterday’s session on the term ‘Nikkei’ we plan to hold a series of online monthly panels on key concepts and terms, which will be central to the collective work of Past Wrongs, Future Choices. The purpose will not be to settle definitively on terms, but rather to engage in an open-ended fashion around these ideas.


We’re thinking here of sessions on concepts that are rich and challenging, about which we are likely to have varied opinions. Some may be especially difficult as we move between scholarly and public accounts, or across the sites included this study.


Please select a recorder, to note your group’s responses to the questions below and return this form to the Project Office at Feel free to print and take notes by hand, and then send a photograph of that form. Or, take notes on this digital document.


  1. Could a member/members of your group foresee contributing to a panel on one of the keywords listed?


Internment/Incarceration/Dispossession: Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom: __________________________


Settler Colonial Societies: Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom: __________________________


Perpetrators/Victims/Bystanders/Implicated subjects: Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom: __________________________


Global Racism: Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom: __________________________


Citizenship and Human Rights: Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom: __________________________


Community: Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom: __________________________


  1. What other topics, beyond the list, would be important for a keyword panel?





  1. Would any members of your group foresee contributing to one of the topics you’ve proposed?


Handout 2: Research Collaborations

The PWFC Scholar’s network is envisioned as a place where scholars working on related or aligned topics can meet and form research collaboration. Ideally, some number of these relationships will result in working papers for internal distribution, as well as publication with the partnership’s edited books.


Today’s discussion is focussed on research towards the first proposed scholarly book by this partnership, which will aim to initiate scholarly conversation about the internment, incarceration, and dispossession of civilians of Japanese heritage in allied countries during the Second World War and to explore the intersection of the history of anti-Asian racism with the challenges of liberty, citizenship, and security during wartime. In addition to the wartime years, the book will also explore historical antecedents of the 1940s mistreatment of Nikkei civilians as well as their legacies.


We envision that the chapters of will emerge from research collaboration across this partnership, ideally involving pairs or small groups of scholars working together to draw together interdisciplinary research in multiple sites of Nikkei internment/incarceration.


Please select a recorder, to note your group’s responses to the questions below and return this form to the Project Office at Feel free to print and take notes by hand, and then send a photograph of that form. Or, take notes on this digital document.


  1. Could a member/members of your group foresee contributing to a research collaboration on any of the following themes?


Nikkei migrations, networks, and communities before the 1940s: Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________


Gender in Nikkei migration and internment Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________


Borders and citizenship Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________


“Enemy alien” status—conception and institutionalization Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________


Race/racism Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________


Legal mechanisms of Nikkei internment/incarceration/dispossession/expulsion Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________


Forms of law and adjudication in sites of internment Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________



Property dispossession and the destruction of home Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________


The geography (and varied sites) of internment/incarceration Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________


The surveillance state Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________


Community experience, response, and protest in the 1940s Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________


Political participation and activism after the 1940s Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________


The legal legacies of the 1940s Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________


Art, literature, and memory Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________


Mobilizing history in museums, schools, etc. – histories of injustice and democratic/global citizenship Y/N

If yes, please indicate whom __________________



  1. What other topics, beyond the list, would be important for research by this partnership?






  1. Would any members of your group foresee contributing to one of the topics you’ve proposed?



Cluster Meeting Descriptions

Session 2B Teacher Resources Cluster Meeting: Thursday, September 29, 2022 3:00-3:40 pm (PDT)

Teacher Resources invites you to join us as we develop our roadmap for year one and beyond. Come and meet the team, discuss the possibilities for cross-cluster collaboration, brainstorm how we can integrate research from the other clusters, and make connections with the cluster leads. We will consider questions including, what teacher resources should look like within each constituency, how they might intersect to help make meaning for our students, and how our varying contexts will influence what we create.

Session 2D Film Group Meeting: Thursday, September 29, 2022 4:30-5:00 pm (PDT)

In this session, filmmaker Susanne Tabata will discuss her plans for a documentary film in association with Past Wrongs, Future Choices. Questions for discussion include:  How does the film situate itself in the larger project? What does a documentary process look like?  What would good outcomes look like?  What constitutes character?  What constitutes archival research?  What are the elements of film that we are pursuing?

Session 3B Archives Cluster Meeting: Friday, September 30, 2022 3:00-3:40 pm (PDT)

The Archives Cluster has some ambitious plans for the next 7 years. During our September 30 session, we will talk about who we are, how we have set up our Cluster and how we have scheduled out the next seven years.  In addition to learning more about us and our plans, we would like to enlist your aid in determining some priority themes and topics for our Spotlight Series.  Want to know more about our Spotlight Series?  Come hang out with us on September 30.

Session 3C Museum Exhibit Cluster Meeting: Friday, September 30, 2022 3:45-4:25 pm (PDT)

Contemporary art offers non-linear, conceptual and sensory pathways to understanding complex histories. Sherri Kajiwara, Director|Curator of the Nikkei National Museum in Canada, is planning to develop a contemporary art-based exhibit for the North American PWFC exhibits cluster that will invite visitors to learn about the invisible inheritance of the internment era on lives lived today. For this launch of the PWFC project, we open up the dialogue to all global partners interested in developing exhibits for their own countries. Let’s discuss our goals, challenges, anticipated timelines, and next steps.

Appendix: PWFC Governance Bodies and Networks

Governance Board (GB)

The GB has administrative oversight of the project. Chaired by the Project Co-Directors Jordan Stanger-Ross and Audrey Kobayashi, it oversees the budget; approves objectives and progress milestones of clusters and major projects to ensure progress toward goals; supports cluster chairs in meeting their aims; reviews annually project equity performance; monitors hiring and remuneration and serves as a resource for students and postdoctoral fellows; approves agendas and plays leadership roles within team meetings; advises and supports the Project Co-Directors and Project Manager in meetings and on an ad hoc basis; and mobilizes contacts for publicity and outreach.


Sherri KajiwaraNikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre
Eric AdamsUniversity of Alberta
Masumi IzumiDoshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
Dean OliverCanadian Museum of History
Andrew Hasegawa/Christine PiperNikkei Australia
Lidia Yamashita/Gioji OkuharaJapanese Immigration Museum, Sao Paulo

Integration Board (IB)

The IB is the engine of synergies and cross-fertilization across areas of activity, sectors, disciplinary boundaries, and geography. It includes representatives of our 12 Co-Creative partners as well as the cluster chairs and leaders, representatives of the Nikkei Partners, and each key committee. The IB reviews and offers support and advice for all cluster activity; advises the GB on the agendas for major project meetings; supports training by serving as resources to students and postdoctoral fellows; reviews and advises the GB on equity goals and performance, including reviews of team composition and recruitment, outreach to new partners and community groups, and major project meetings; and reviews and advises the GB on budgetary decisions


Sherri KajiwaraMuseum Exhibit Cluster Chair & Nikkei National Museum Representative
Mike Perry-WhittinghamTeacher Resources Cluster Chair
Lisa UyedaDigital Archive Cluster Co-Chair & Nikkei National Museum
Theressa TakasakiDigital Archive Cluster Co-Chair & Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
Masumi IzumiDigital Archive Cluster Co-Chair
Susanne TabataFilm Initiative Director
Dean OliverRepresentative for Canadian Museum of History
Su Yen Chong,Rep. for Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
Lidia Yamashita/Gioji OkuharaReps for Japanese Immigration Museum, Sao Paulo
Moya McFadzean,Rep. for Immigration Museum, Victoria, Australia
Masako Fukui/Shannon WhileyReps for Nikkei Australia
Lorene OikawaRep for National Association of Japanese Canadians
Henrique TrindadeRep for Immigration Museum of Sao Paolo
Melissa MilesRep for Monash University, Australia
Sachiko KawakamiRep for Canada Museum, Mio, Japan
Travis TomchuckRep for Canadian Museum of Human Rights
Monica OkamotoRep for Scholars Network
Tzu-I ChungRep for Royal BC Museum
TBARep for RA Committee
TBARep for Nikkei Partners Network
TBARep for Supporting Partners Network

Cluster Chairs

Cluster Chairs are vital to leading core areas of project activity and outputs. Chairs design, implement, and oversee activity in their cluster; set semi-annual and annual milestones for progress within their cluster; report to the GB on progress toward milestones; meet with a Project Co-Directors or a member of the GB to review reports; manage funds within their cluster; hire and supervise research assistants in their cluster; award and supervise, in collaboration with a member of the Scholars Network, postdoctoral fellowships; and present progress to the project at team meetings.


Museum Exhibit Cluster ChairSherri Kajiwara, Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre
Teacher Resources Cluster ChairMike Perry-Whittingham
Digital Archive Cluster Co-ChairsLisa Uyeda, Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre

Theressa Takasaki, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre

Masumi Izumi, Doshisha University


Major Initiative

The Past Wrongs, Future Choices envisions Major Initiatives, which operate somewhat more independently of, but also in connection with, clusters and the rest of the project activity. Major Initiatives are structured by contractual arrangements for deliverables to the partnership.

Current Major Initiatives

Film Project*Susanne Tabata

* Contract currently in development


Networks draw together participants with similar positions or interests that cut across the clusters so they can exchange ideas and build relationships in support of integrated project aims. The networks are organized by invitation, rather than obligation. We hope that members will join the networks that pertain to them and find inspiration and connection.

Major Committees and Networks

Scholars NetworkChaired by Audrey Kobayashi and Jordan Stanger-Ross, this network invites academic and community-based scholars to share research and scholarly projects. It is the locus for scholarly writing that will inform all Knowledge Mobilization outputs and generate publications
Supporting Partners Network*Chaired by Michael Abe, this network invites partner organizations that have chosen to focus on specific events or activities (e.g. local community orgs. and Library and Archives Canada). It aims to ensure that organizations that have opted for more focused roles maintain meaningful voices within the partnership and connection with one another.
Nikkei Partners NetworkChaired by Audrey Kobayashi, this network invites partner organizations with mandates in Nikkei Communities to share their common experiences, aspirations for the partnership, and to connect with one another.
RA Network (to be created)Administered by students to represent their interests and liaise with all facets of the project and is comprised of all active research assistants.

* Self-identified Supporting Partners Include:

Broome Museum

Calgary Japanese Community Association

Canadian Historical Association

Central Vancouver Island Japanese Canadian Cultural Society


Doshisha University

Edmonton Japanese Community Association

Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens Association

Hamilton Chapter of the NAJC

Hidden Histories Society Yukon

Japanese American National Museum

Japanese Cultural Association of Manitoba

Japanese Canadian Association of Yukon

Lakehead Japanese Cultural Association

Lasalle College, Vancouver

Library and Archives Canada

McGill-Queen’s University Press

Nikkei Cultural Society of Lethbridge & Area

Nikkei Voice

Ottawa Japanese Community Association

Simon Fraser U

Township of Esquimalt

University of Alberta

University of North Carolina

Vancouver Japanese Language School

Vernon Japanese Cultural Society

Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society


Nikkei Partners Network

Broome Museum

Calgary Japanese Community Association

Canada Museum Mio

Central Vancouver Island Japanese Canadian Cultural Society


Doshisha University

Edmonton Japanese Community Association

Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens Association

Hamilton Chapter of the NAJC

Hidden Histories Society Yukon

Immigration Museum of Sao Paulo

Japanese American National Museum

Japanese Cultural Association of Manitoba

Japanese Canadian Association of Yukon

Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre

Lakehead Japanese Cultural Association

Museu Histórico da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil

National Association of Japanese Canadians

Nikkei Australia

Nikkei Cultural Society of Lethbridge & Area

Nikkei National Museum

Nikkei Voice

Ottawa Japanese Community Association

Vancouver Japanese Language School

Vernon Japanese Cultural Society

Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society

Appendix: PWFC Governance Bodies and Networks

Governance Board (GB)

The GB has administrative oversight of the project. Chaired by the Project Co-Directors Jordan Stanger-Ross and Audrey Kobayashi, it oversees the budget; approves objectives and progress milestones of clusters and major projects to ensure progress toward goals; supports cluster chairs in meeting their aims; reviews annually project equity performance; monitors hiring and remuneration and serves as a resource for students and postdoctoral fellows; approves agendas and plays leadership roles within team meetings; advises and supports the Project Co-Directors and Project Manager in meetings and on an ad hoc basis; and mobilizes contacts for publicity and outreach.


Sherri KajiwaraNikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre
Eric AdamsUniversity of Alberta
Masumi IzumiDoshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
Dean OliverCanadian Museum of History
Andrew Hasegawa/Christine PiperNikkei Australia
Lidia Yamashita/Gioji OkuharaJapanese Immigration Museum, Sao Paulo

Integration Board (IB)

The IB is the engine of synergies and cross-fertilization across areas of activity, sectors, disciplinary boundaries, and geography. It includes representatives of our 12 Co-Creative partners as well as the cluster chairs and leaders, representatives of the Nikkei Partners, and each key committee. The IB reviews and offers support and advice for all cluster activity; advises the GB on the agendas for major project meetings; supports training by serving as resources to students and postdoctoral fellows; reviews and advises the GB on equity goals and performance, including reviews of team composition and recruitment, outreach to new partners and community groups, and major project meetings; and reviews and advises the GB on budgetary decisions


Sherri KajiwaraMuseum Exhibit Cluster Chair & Nikkei National Museum Representative
Mike Perry-WhittinghamTeacher Resources Cluster Chair
Lisa UyedaDigital Archive Cluster Co-Chair & Nikkei National Museum
Theressa TakasakiDigital Archive Cluster Co-Chair & Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
Masumi IzumiDigital Archive Cluster Co-Chair
Susanne TabataFilm Initiative Director
Dean OliverRepresentative for Canadian Museum of History
Su Yen Chong,Rep. for Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
Lidia Yamashita/Gioji OkuharaReps for Japanese Immigration Museum, Sao Paulo
Moya McFadzean,Rep. for Immigration Museum, Victoria, Australia
Masako Fukui/Shannon WhileyReps for Nikkei Australia
Lorene OikawaRep for National Association of Japanese Canadians
Henrique TrindadeRep for Immigration Museum of Sao Paolo
Melissa MilesRep for Monash University, Australia
Sachiko KawakamiRep for Canada Museum, Mio, Japan
Travis TomchuckRep for Canadian Museum of Human Rights
Monica OkamotoRep for Scholars Network
Tzu-I ChungRep for Royal BC Museum
TBARep for RA Committee
TBARep for Nikkei Partners Network
TBARep for Supporting Partners Network

Cluster Chairs

Cluster Chairs are vital to leading core areas of project activity and outputs. Chairs design, implement, and oversee activity in their cluster; set semi-annual and annual milestones for progress within their cluster; report to the GB on progress toward milestones; meet with a Project Co-Directors or a member of the GB to review reports; manage funds within their cluster; hire and supervise research assistants in their cluster; award and supervise, in collaboration with a member of the Scholars Network, postdoctoral fellowships; and present progress to the project at team meetings.


Museum Exhibit Cluster ChairSherri Kajiwara, Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre
Teacher Resources Cluster ChairMike Perry-Whittingham
Digital Archive Cluster Co-ChairsLisa Uyeda, Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre

Theressa Takasaki, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre

Masumi Izumi, Doshisha University


Major Initiative

The Past Wrongs, Future Choices envisions Major Initiatives, which operate somewhat more independently of, but also in connection with, clusters and the rest of the project activity. Major Initiatives are structured by contractual arrangements for deliverables to the partnership.

Current Major Initiatives

Film Project*Susanne Tabata

* Contract currently in development


Networks draw together participants with similar positions or interests that cut across the clusters so they can exchange ideas and build relationships in support of integrated project aims. The networks are organized by invitation, rather than obligation. We hope that members will join the networks that pertain to them and find inspiration and connection.

Major Committees and Networks

Scholars NetworkChaired by Audrey Kobayashi and Jordan Stanger-Ross, this network invites academic and community-based scholars to share research and scholarly projects. It is the locus for scholarly writing that will inform all Knowledge Mobilization outputs and generate publications
Supporting Partners Network*Chaired by Michael Abe, this network invites partner organizations that have chosen to focus on specific events or activities (e.g. local community orgs. and Library and Archives Canada). It aims to ensure that organizations that have opted for more focused roles maintain meaningful voices within the partnership and connection with one another.
Nikkei Partners NetworkChaired by Audrey Kobayashi, this network invites partner organizations with mandates in Nikkei Communities to share their common experiences, aspirations for the partnership, and to connect with one another.
RA Network (to be created)Administered by students to represent their interests and liaise with all facets of the project and is comprised of all active research assistants.

* Self-identified Supporting Partners Include:

Broome Museum

Calgary Japanese Community Association

Canadian Historical Association

Central Vancouver Island Japanese Canadian Cultural Society


Doshisha University

Edmonton Japanese Community Association

Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens Association

Hamilton Chapter of the NAJC

Hidden Histories Society Yukon

Japanese American National Museum

Japanese Cultural Association of Manitoba

Japanese Canadian Association of Yukon

Lakehead Japanese Cultural Association

Lasalle College, Vancouver

Library and Archives Canada

McGill-Queen’s University Press

Nikkei Cultural Society of Lethbridge & Area

Nikkei Voice

Ottawa Japanese Community Association

Simon Fraser U

Township of Esquimalt

University of Alberta

University of North Carolina

Vancouver Japanese Language School

Vernon Japanese Cultural Society

Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society


Nikkei Partners Network

Broome Museum

Calgary Japanese Community Association

Canada Museum Mio

Central Vancouver Island Japanese Canadian Cultural Society


Doshisha University

Edmonton Japanese Community Association

Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens Association

Hamilton Chapter of the NAJC

Hidden Histories Society Yukon

Immigration Museum of Sao Paulo

Japanese American National Museum

Japanese Cultural Association of Manitoba

Japanese Canadian Association of Yukon

Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre

Lakehead Japanese Cultural Association

Museu Histórico da Imigração Japonesa no Brasil

National Association of Japanese Canadians

Nikkei Australia

Nikkei Cultural Society of Lethbridge & Area

Nikkei National Museum

Nikkei Voice

Ottawa Japanese Community Association

Vancouver Japanese Language School

Vernon Japanese Cultural Society

Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society