If you were unable to attend the Southin Lecture with Jordan Stanger-Ross, here is a link to the presentation courtesy of UBC Law.


Who forced the sale of Japanese-Canadian-owned property during WWII?

In February 1942, when Japanese Canadians in coastal British Columbia were uprooted from their homes and interned, the Canadian government assured them that their property would be safeguarded for the duration of the war. A year later, however, officials resolved to sell everything they owned, contributing to material losses that would, in today’s currency, amount to close to one billion dollars. This talk analyzes the forced sale of Japanese-Canadian-owned property by examining three individuals: federal politician Ian Mackenzie, bureaucrat Glenn McPherson, and Kishizo Kimura, a Japanese Canadian who participated in administering the sales. In addition to detailing the origins of the policy, this talk will ask what historians can learn by foregrounding the individuals involved in historical injustice. I propose that an understanding of these people, including their own subjectivities, is essential to both understanding the past and extracting its lessons.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

5:30 pm Terrace Lounge (room 402) Allard Hall University of British Columbia

Dr. Jordan Stanger-Ross BA PhD

Associate Professor, History, University of Victoria, Faculty of Humanities

Project Director of Landscapes of Injustice