Historical GIS Cluster chair Dr. Reuben Rose-Redwood’s article coming out of Landscapes of Injustice entitled “Revisiting critical GIS” has just been published online in the journal, Environment and Planning A.

“… we seek to broaden the scope of what a ‘social justice and GIS’ research agenda might entail by reconsidering how critical engagements with political theories of justice and equality can enrich our critiques of GIS as a political technology as well as how GIS itself can more productively be employed as a means of intervening within struggles for social justice.” (4)

Dr. Rose-Redwood drew from Landscapes of Injustice to play a leading role in writing the section on ‘Social Justice and GIS.’ Find the author’s post-print article here: http://dillonm.io/…/postprint_thatcher%20et%20al_2015_revis…

For more information on Dr. Rose-Redwood’s work, click here: http://bit.ly/1JLh0nA