
The Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives (CAPI) at the University of Victoria is pleased to present a new seminar series.

The inaugural seminar, Japan Breaks the Peace Clause: Article 9 and Japan’s Evolving Relationship with the Asian Other takes place on Wednesday, November 5, 2014  4-6 pm Harry Hickman Room 116, University of Victoria

In July of 2014, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe undertook one of the most controversial actions in modern Japanese history. Bypassing parliament, Abe and his cabinet gutted the so-called “peace clause” that has historically prohibited Japan from ever going to war. Drawing heavy criticisms from China and Korea, the decision was also met with resistance in Japan, including ongoing protests of hundreds of thousands Japanese, and a shocking spectacle of self-immolation outside of one of Tokyo’s busiest train stations. This inaugural seminar explores the background and possible outcomes of this controversial decision from an interdisciplinary perspective.

This event will be chaired by Professor Mary Yoko Brannen and features a panel discussion and Q&A with the the following speakers:
• Dr. Victor Ramraj, Law Chair at the Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives, UVic
• Dr. Shigenori Matsui, Professor of Japanese Legal Studies, UBC
• Dr. Millie Creighton, Associate Professor of Anthropology, UBC
• Dr. Tsuyoshi Kawasaki, Associate Professor of Political Science and Humanities, Simon Fraser University

Free and open to the public, light refreshments will be served.
For more information please call 250-721-7020 or see uvic.ca/capi