Momoye Sugiman

Momoye Sugiman
Student Researcher
Momoye Sugiman worked as student researcher for the Oral History research cluster in 2014-15.
Momoye is a Toronto-based sansei with a keen interest in Japanese Canadian history and a range of social justice issues. During her long career as an Adult ESL teacher for the Toronto District School Board, she has been immersed in the life stories of immigrants from various corners of the world. As a freelance editor, she has been involved in several projects pertaining to Asian Canadians. She was responsible for the substantive editing of two books containing oral histories: Jin Guo: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women (1992) and Japanese Canadian Redress: the Toronto Story (2000). Most recently, she has been working closely with novelist Katherine Govier on the Shoe Project, a memoir writing workshop helping immigrant women empower themselves. Momoye is also is pursuing her master’s degree in Immigration and Settlement Studies at Ryerson University.