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Landscapes of Injustice, a history all Canadians should know.

During the 1940s, Canada enacted mass displacement and dispossession of people on racial grounds, a collective moral failure that remains only partially addressed. Japanese Canadians lost their homes, farms, businesses, as well as personal, family, and communal possessions. Landscapes of Injustice is dedicated to recovering and grappling with this difficult past.

Museum Exhibit

Teacher resources

Research database

Digital storytelling website

Landscapes of Injustice Book

Touched by Dispossession


Introducing Past Wrongs, Future Choices

A New SSHRC Partnership Research Project

Stay tuned for our full website, www.pastwrongsfuturechoices.com currently under constructions.

In the meantime, here is some information about the project.

And for more detail go to 

Project Backgrounder: https://www.landscapesofinjustice.com/project_background/

University of Victoria news release: https://www.uvic.ca/humanities/news/current/learning-from-past-wrongs.php

Past Wrongs, Future Choices aims to extend and mobilize knowledge of an instructive twentieth-century history: the racialized uprooting, internment, dispossession, and deportation of civilians of Japanese descent (Nikkei) in allied countries throughout the Americas and the Pacific in the 1940s. Working with partners in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, and the United States, our partnership will foster social and political accountability, pushing publics across the world to grapple with the question of what we owe to one another, especially in times of crisis.

Goals of the Project

Past Wrongs, Future Choices aims to extend and mobilize knowledge of an instructive twentieth-century history: the racialized uprooting, internment, dispossession, and deportation of civilians of Japanese descent (Nikkei) in allied countries throughout the Americas and the Pacific in the 1940s. Working with partners in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, and the United States, our partnership will foster social and political accountability, pushing publics across the world to grapple with the question of what we owe to one another, especially in times of crisis.

The partnership will also produce coordinated exhibitions in Australia, Brazil, Canada, and the United States, pairing research with contemporary Nikkei art. We will integrate these separate physical exhibitions in a digital form and contribute to permanent exhibitions telling this history in Canada.

An international archival ‘Spotlight Series’ will draw together global records. Community-based events will provide access and ensure that the digitized record of internment make enduring and profound impacts.

Resources will be developed to allow teachers in Canada and abroad to teach Nikkei wartime experiences as a case of global racism, while illuminating the institutions that are crucial to civics education. Teachers will gain access to these resources and receive training through professional development, public programming, and an intensive field school.

A documentary film project will integrate global and local stories, while connecting Nikkei experiences with those of other descendants of racialized injustice.

Past Wrongs, Future Choices includes over 100 members on 5 continents. 40 institutions, including the University of Victoria as the project’s home base, have joined in partnership, representing large and small organizations, with mandates within, and beyond Nikkei communities.

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