Gord Lyall

Gord Lyall
Student Researcher
Gordon Lyall is a PhD candidate at UVic under the supervision of Dr. Jason Colby, currently in the middle of coursework and comprehensive exams. His research interests include Settler-First Nations relations, regional identity, and environmental activism in British Columbia, primarily around the Salish Sea. His honours undergrad thesis compares Western and Gitxsan historical construction using Delgamuukw v. the Queen as a case study; and his MA thesis is a historiographical study of the San Juan Island Dispute, colloquially known as the Pig War. Currently, Gordon is project manager of the Colonial Despatches digital archive at UVic, a TEI/XML developer at The Confederation Debates. He has been a research assistant in the Provincial Records Cluster at Landscapes of Injustice since 2016 and now joins the Museum Exhibit cluster for 2018-19.