Elizabeth Fujita

Elizabeth Fujita
Steering Committee
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre Co-rep
As Manager of Heritage and the Sedai Project, Elizabeth Fujita-Kwan aims to nurture involvement and engagement throughout the community with the history and heritage of Canadians of Japanese ancestry. Coming to the JCCC following three years in Japan and an internship with the Political Section at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo, Elizabeth returned to her native GTA in the hopes of utilizing her experiences abroad.
Having a mother born into the difficulties of postwar Okinawa, and a nisei father who lived through Tashme, her interest in her Nikkei heritage and the international Japanese diasporic community has grown from her roots. From participating in Okinawan local and prefectural government exchanges and festivals as the Canadian representative, to leading professional development seminars with the Toronto Chapter of the JET Alumni Association, Elizabeth continues to volunteer her time to the greater Japanese affiliated community in Toronto. Elizabeth also serves as Secretary to the Nikkei Voice Board of Directors, and as a Board Member of the Toronto Okinawa Kenjinkai/Kyuyokai.