Aynur Kadir

Aynur Kadir
Post Doc Fellow
Teacher Resources cluster
Dr. Aynur Kadir is an interdisciplinary scholar of Indigenous digital media, her focus is the theories and practices of digital cultural heritage. Her research is grounded in the intersection of participatory digital media, applied anthropology, and technology for museum studies. She is particularly interested in important aspects of ethics and representation of culture and memory through technology. She seeks to engage with cultural practitioners, heritage institutions and interested community members in producing greater multimedia artefacts such as digital archives, virtual museums, or public exhibitions for cultural heritage and social justice. Her research explores how different new media such as documentaries (both traditional and interactive), digital archive databases, virtual museums and interactive museum technologies could be designed with a participatory methodology in order to preserve and facilitate access to traditional knowledge and heritage.
Currently, she is a MITACS Elevate Postdoctoral Scholar and Visiting Media Curator at the Bill Reid Gallery of North West Coast Art. In her multimedia work and digital exhibitions, she deploys community-based methodologies to address Indigenous representation, ethics, authenticity and cultural property issues from the community perspective. She is teaching classes on digital media art and multi-media design at SIAT, and is also an active board member in the Society for Visual Anthropology.